Is your presentation system helping or hurting your delivery?
We’ve all been there. You prepare, coordinate, cross all the T’s and dot all the I’s, you’re ready, you hold your breath, turn on your presentation technology, and… something fails. All your hard work goes down the drain, along with the confidence and patience of everyone in the room.

A fully updated, integrated, innovative system, designed by Sound Stage, will give you the confidence to focus on your hard work, not the technology.
With the touch of a finger, the lights dim, shades lower, screen drops, projection begins, and sound adjusts for the presenter. The state of the art display allows your presentation to be delivered with clear, crisp brilliance. With a simple touch on your desktop control panel, you can switch from your computer to a guest’s device and back. Complete control. Confidence restored.
From custom furniture, motorized window shades and control panels to microphones, speakers, projectors, and displays, Sound Stage can design the optimal presentation for the needs of your origination.